Seeking employment often requires a significant amount of time and dedication.
Utilizing LinkedIn for networking can be a valuable asset during a job hunt – linking up with potential employers or influential individuals in your industry.
Yet, it appears one essential error could be hindering you from securing a new position.
Typos and syntax mistakes might be preventing you from landing a new role, thus the team at Preply has scrutinized LinkedIn interfaces in 25 sectors to identify the main culprits.
It appears that the three most commonly misspelt words on the site are ‘management’, ‘programming’, and ‘I’m’ (often typed incorrectly as ‘Im’).
Interestingly, ‘entrepreneur’ – repeatedly miswritten as ‘entreprenuer’ and ‘enterpreneur’ – is identified as the most incorrectly spelled word across the 25 specific industries.
Another common mistake is the term ‘accountant’, frequently written incorrectly as ‘accountnat’ – shockingly, this is one of the most common typos in the accounting sector itself.
Additionally, ‘Bachelor’s’ often lacks an apostrophe before the ‘s’, resulting in ‘Bachelors’ being a frequent grammar mistake on LinkedIn.
Another common grammar error on LinkedIn involves the misuse of singular and plural forms, with the term ‘softwares’ regularly used, despite ‘software’ functioning as both a singular and a plural noun.
So, be on the lookout for these common errors next time you’re crafting a message, drafting a post, or uploading a CV.