The Big Bang Theory’s Sheldon or Young Sheldon? Take our quote quiz and test your knowledge

big bang theory

Who said it – Sheldon, or Young Sheldon? (Picture: CBS)

The Big Bang Theory’s Sheldon Cooper has been a man of very many words, even when he was a youngster.

In fact, spin-off show Young Sheldon proved it, with the pre-teen genius causing all kinds of chaos for his family and friends.

But can you tell the difference between the two?

After all, both still hold very similar loves even though they are decades apart, with their science and thoughts on those around him being… blunt to say the least.

In fact, we reckon only major fans of the show can tell them apart.

If you think you can do it, time to take our quiz to find out.



The Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon both air on E4 in the UK.

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