Kate Lawler has slammed nasty body shamers who harassed her online for her vacation photos.
The former Big Brother winner, 43, has replied after being accused of ‘triggering anorexics’ after uploading a photo in a strapless top to Instagram, while another troll suggested she was in a ‘severe calorie deficit’.
Now, the radio host claims that there is a ‘double standard’ on social media when it comes to the treatment of plus-sized and skinny women.
‘If someone is on Instagram showing their curves and grabbing their rolls, it’s all, “You go girl, well done you,”‘ she told The Sun.
‘They’re celebrated, called real women. Well, why can’t a real woman be a healthy size eight? It’s crazy.’
Some trolls even likened her appearance to that of another Big Brother housemate Nikki Grahame, who died of anorexia at the age of 38 two years ago.
‘I honestly couldn’t believe it. To compare me to her is outrageous and so insensitive to Nikki’s family,’ she added.
Kate informed the newspaper that she is presently a size eight, measures 5 feet 6 inches tall, and weighs 8st 4lbs. According to the NHS, a healthy BMI ranges between 18.5 and 24.9, with Kate’s now sitting at 19.2 despite her insistence that she is’slim, not tiny’ and healthy.
‘I went down to 8st in my twenties when I wasn’t looking after my body, but the only time I was bigger was in Big Brother in 2002,’ she explained. ‘I put on a stone because I was sitting around for weeks eating junk and drinking sugary, alcoholic drinks. This is just my size.’
After the online abuse, Kate’s husband of one year Martin, came to his wife’s defence and said: ‘I love that people are concerned about my wife’s weight when I cook for her.’
He added: ‘Guys, chill – it’s the camera angle. Put the phone down and go outside for a bit.’
Her twin sister Kaz also hit back at trolls in the comments and ranted: ‘Can’t believe the comments I am reading.. My twin sis has always been slim.. We both have so much energy and that’s how she’s always been.. plus a mother to a toddler we all know you don’t stop!!
‘Trust me Kate eats loads and yes it’s healthy but I’ve seen her have her treat days and eat what the hell she wants too! Just please be bloody nice! Or unfollow ffs😡😢 BE KIND.’
Source My Celebrity Life.