Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, he said that he’d have to change his diet to lose the weight after realising his metabolism was slowing down.
The former Saturday Night Live star admitted to being puzzled at first: ‘How the hell did that happen? I’ve learned I can’t eat sweets the way I used to.’
‘I think it was toward the end of the season that the costume designer was like, “I think you need to wear bigger clothes” – I don’t train at all!’
Bill went on to say that instead of properly preparing for his role in the criminal drama series by exercising, he frequently ‘eats a lot of doughnuts and stress.’
Earlier this year, the actor, who also appeared in Superbad, said that he dislikes seeing himself on TV or hearing his own voice.
‘[Watching yourself is] no fun, just in general. I don’t like the way I sound. I don’t like the way I look. It’s just embarrassing,’ he told The Independent.
‘But I’ll be 45 in two months, so the weight thing is more of a health thing now. You go to a doctor and they say, “At this age and height, you should weigh this.”‘
Source My Celebrity Life.