What’s the deal with vaginal gummies? Experts call them ‘exploitative’

kourtney kardashian vaginal gummies
Your puss tastes great on its own (Picture: Instagram)

Kourtney Kardashian had a vaginal steam session on the most recent episode of The Kardashians.

‘It’s so good for your vagina,’ Kourtney said. ‘You put like roses and stuff, and you’re like steaming your vagina with roses, like what is more luxurious?’

And now Kourtney is promoting yet another vaginal product that we didn’t realise we needed.

The newest is vaginal gummies – supposed to assist your vaginal health and ‘being’.

Kourtney is pushing Lemme Purr multivitamins, which feature ‘clinically-studied probiotics to support [the genital’s] taste, odour, and freshness, replete with pineapple extract for additional sweetness,’ just in time for cunnilingus sessions.

The gummies also contain vitamin C, which appears to be beneficial.

Clearly, professionals in this subject are not convinced.

Doctor Aziza Sesay, who focuses in women’s health, even goes as far as to describe goods like these ‘exploitive’.

She says: ‘It uses pineapple and probiotics but to be honest – there is not enough scientific evidence or basis for her claims.

‘Vaginas will always have a slight natural scent and it is self cleaning.

‘The vagina contains “good bacteria” which keep the pH balanced and maintain optimal environment for the vagina.

‘As doctors, supplements or probiotics are sometimes discussed for example when a patient had bacterial vaginosis, but this is tailored to the patient. These things are not one size fits all.’

Sorry, but the science isn’t scienc-ing, Kourt.

‘These sort of products are quite exploitive and unfortunately encourages the stigma and embarrassment around vulvovaginal health.’ says Dr. Sesay.

‘It perpetuates insecurity and encourages patriarchal beliefs.

‘Vaginas are not supposed to smell like berries, roses and flowers – they’re supposed to smell of vagina.

‘If anyone is concerned about their vaginal discharge or smell, they should see their doctor for further assessment and appropriate evidence based management if necessary.’

The Lemme Instagram page indicates that this product introduction is intended to help promote vaginal health more talked about – well, Kourtney has done that, but perhaps not in the way intended.

While these pills claim to ‘transform [your genitals] into a delicious pleasure,’ they’re really very unpleasant on their own.

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