Can you reheat cooked chicken – and should you? Tips on safely reheating leftovers

Whether you’re actively trying to manage your budgets better in the face of the cost of living crisis or you’re just looking to reduce your food waste, knowing how to properly store and cook leftovers can make a huge difference.

Cook a big meal in the evening and you can have lunches for the next couple of days – might not sound like a lot but that could quickly add up to a substantial saving after a few weeks.

Enough that maybe you don’t need to cancel your Netflix or gym membership.

So, with that in mind, let’s address a topic that can stump some people. Can you reheat chicken? If so, how many times?

Here is everything you need to know.

Can you reheat cooked chicken?

Yes, you can reheat cooked chicken – as long as you stick to some basic guidelines.

First, you need to let any cooked chicken cool before you pack it away for leftovers.

You should cover your left-over food, let it cool to room temperature (no more than four hours), and then put it straight into the fridge. Putting hot food in the fridge can breed bugs and bacteria and spoil your food.

Secondly, you need to make sure that you’re always cooking your chicken thoroughly – it should be piping hot, all the way through.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) explains, ‘reheating means cooking again, not just warming up. Always reheat food until it is steaming hot all the way through (you should only do this once).’

How many times can you reheat chicken?

Most sources agree you can reheat chicken safely two or three times.

It all comes down to properly reheating it and properly storing leftovers. If you let food cool before popping it in the fridge, you can reheat it a couple of times safely.

How to reheat cooked chicken

Depending on the tools available to you and how you cooked the chicken in the first place, you can reheat your meal a number of ways.

Reheating chicken in the oven

Reheating chicken in the microwave

Reheating chicken on the hob

The FSA gives some general advice on what to do when reheating leftovers.

This includes checking that pieces of chicken are very hot (steaming) in the middle. The meat should not be pink or red and the juices should not have any pink or red in them.

Also, if you are reheating large amounts of chicken, it’s advisable to check the meat in the thickest part of the leg.

Another thing to bear in mind is, though overcooking chicken can dry it out, it’s much safer than undercooking it. Undercooked chicken or chicken that hasn’t been safely reheated can still host bacteria that can cause illnesses including salmonella.

Credit: SourceYou can read this post on My Celebrity Life.

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