Mrs Hinch shares before and after weight loss photos as she reminds people to be kind

Mrs Hinch has shared private pictures from her weight loss journey to encourage people to be more understanding.

The cleaning expert took part in the new picture sharing trend on her Instagram Story, posting photos from her past.

Mrs Hinch, real name Sophie Hinchcliffe, shared a set of ‘before and after’ pictures to show her transformation.

In an old picture the TV star poses with a friend with a photo alongside showing a clearly slimmer Mrs Hinch stood on a beach in her swimsuit.

A further ‘after’ picture saw Sophie displaying her engagement ring on her ring finger.

The photos were shared under the title ‘Before your weight loss’.

The cleaning guru reminded people to be kind to each other (Picture: Instagram)

She added the message: ‘You never really know someone’s journey…always be kind xx’.

Kindness is important to the cleaning guru, who recently shared her difficult experience after getting a number of social media threats.

In an interview on This Morning, she said while she was ‘lucky’ to be in the position she’s in, the threats were ‘petrifying’.

‘I’m trying to keep up but sometimes, I can’t.’

However she pressed: ‘The positives far outweigh the negatives but the dark side of it can be really dark – I was never ready for this.

‘I’ve always had it as a light-hearted fun place to be, I want people to come on and have a laugh… but I need to shine a light on this.

‘There’s a whole side to this that’s… really daunting… it’s time to speak up… this is my chance to say it.’


Credit: Original article published here.The post Mrs Hinch shares before and after weight loss photos as she reminds people to be kind appeared on My Celebrity Life.

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