Mum who struggles with dark circles says this is her holy grail concealer

Mum who struggles with dark circles says this is her holy grail concealer
Abby applied the concealer under just one eye to show the dramatic results (Picture: TikTok/@abbythebadassmom)

While there’s nothing wrong with having dark circles, many people prefer to cover them up.

TikToker Abby Rivera, whose content focuses on beauty and being a ‘mom and widow’ , knows a thing or two about concealers.

The US-based creator is referred to as the ‘concealer queen’, trying out various brands to combat tired under-eyes… and she’s just found her favourite.

Abby shared a video recently showing off the product, describing it as ‘the most perfect concealer’ and saying ‘I think I found it!’

At the start of the video, she’s covering half of her face. Abby says she’s almost reluctant to spill the secret for fear of the product selling out, but that it was too good to gatekeep.

When she moves her hand away from the side of the face where she’d applied the concealer, the results are dramatic.

Due to a condition called xanthelasma (genetics and age also factor into this) Abby’s under-eye bags can look somewhat pronounced.

When the makeup is on, however, you’d struggle to believe there were any dark circles there to begin with.

Abby’s son agreed, as she explained that he came downstairs in the morning exclaiming, ‘Mommy, your “things” are gone.’

(Picture: Winky Lux)

This miracle blurring buy is the .

At £14, it offers full coverage and is available in ten shades. The creamy formula includes skin-friendly ingredients, too, to reduce cracking and drying out during the day.

‘It’s an amazing consistency; not too thick, not too thin,’ said Abby. ‘It has hyaluronic acid and collagen in it. I am literally obsessed.’

Fellow beauty guru Mikayla Nogueira was one of the 600,000 people who liked the video, commenting: ‘I have GENUINELY never bought something as fast as I bought this.’

If Abby’s brightened under-eyes are anything to go by: Hard same.


Credit: SourceYou can read this post on My Celebrity Life.

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